Nutrition North Canada (NNC) is a Government of Canada program that helps make nutritious food and some essential items more affordable and more accessible. When you order directly from a registered supplier like Northern Shopper, the NNC subsidy is automatically deducted from the price of all eligible items. The savings will show up on the product description and/or your invoice.
There are 3 subsidy levels for items shipped by air: high, medium and low.
Items subsidized under each level are determined with input from Indigenous and community partners and include culturally appropriate and nutritious foods. More savings are provided to the most nutritious, perishable foods. In addition, savings are provided to less perishable foods and essential non-food items.

Medium Subsidy
Vegetables and fruit: Fresh and dries fruit and veggies (unseasoned and unsweetened), unsweetened juice* (fresh and frozen concentrate), and frozen potato products.
Grain Products: Bread and bread products, flour, cereal, specific dried pastas* and rice.
Milk & Alternatives: Milk products, chocolate milk, buttermilk, fortified soy beverages, cheese, yogurt and yogurt drinks.
Meat & Alternatives: Fresh and frozen meat, poultry, fish and seafood, deli meat, eggs and egg substitutes, unsweetened nuts and seeds, dried beans, dried barley, lentils, split peas, peanut butter and other nut or seed-based spreads, and “Vegetarian” products.
Other Foods: Butter and lard, cooking oils, baking powder, salt and yeast.
Non-Food Items: Diapers and menstrual products

Low Subsidy
Vegetables & Fruit: Unsweetened juice over 250 ml, unsweetened juice in cans, canned vegetables and fruit, and tomato-based sauces
Grain Products: Crackers, social tea cookies, unseasoned plain dry pasta, unseasoned plain popping corn kernels, bannock and pancake mixes, fresh and frozen pasta, rye flour and other semi-perishable flours.
Milk & Alternatives: Cream, sour cream, cream cheese, processed cheese spreads, ice cream, frozen yogurt, sherbet and ice milk.
Meat & Alternatives: Bacon, canned fish & seafood, and canned legumes (beans, peas & lentils)
Other Foods: Margarine, salad dressing, mayonnaise & perishable dips, shortening, all other cooking oils not included above, artificial sweeteners, spices, flavouring & extracts, pizza mixes, fresh/frozen combination foods*, salad kits, and fresh/frozen pizzas.
Non-Food Items: Non-prescription drugs approved by Health Canada, wipes, nursing pads, disposable absorbent underwear, toilet paper, facial tissues, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, denture adhesive/cleaner, soap, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, hand/body lotions, and
laundry & dishwashing detergents

Use the map below to see what the subsidy rate per kg is in your community for each of the different subsidy levels; purple is highly subsidized items, blue is medium and green is low.
You can also visit the Government of Canada website to find out even more information about this program.
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